Assisted Living Communities in Hillsboro, Oregon Below is an online directory of the assisted living communities you’ll find in Hillsboro, Oregon. Our Right Fit team has personally visited each of these senior living facilities in order to help guide you towards making the most informed decision possible. Searching for an assisted living and navigating the complex … Read more
Search Results for: hillsboro
Who is Right Fit Senior Living Solutions? – Hillsboro Chamber of Commerce Interview
Who is Right Fit Senior Living Solutions? Liz Fischer was interviewed by Julie Ames and Shelly Olsen from the Hillsboro Chamber of Commerce on KUIK AM 1360…
From Tears to Smiles
Getting Personal Local Assistance to Find the Right Fit for Dad Pauline called me almost in tears. She had searched online for an assisted living community for her Dad and inadvertently filled out information from a national placement company. What she didn’t realize when she was doing her on line search is by filling out … Read more
Urgent Need for Memory Care after Hospital Stay Causes Family Caregiver Stress Don’t Wait for a Crisis to Make a Move!
A call came from the discharge planner at the hospital in Hillsboro. They had a patient that needed 24×7 supervision who couldn’t return to his home and needed to find a memory care facility as he was an “elopement risk” (they were worried he would walk out the front door and wander away). The hospital case manager wanted to discharge him as quickly as possible and asked us to help find him a room in memory care in Portland as it wasn’t safe to allow him to return home…
There were lots of signs he (and his wife) needed more assistance. The daughters had already decided the next time he was in the hospital would be the final straw, it would be time to move. While usually we can find the perfect place for him to move, this time every memory care building was full and most had a waiting list.
Our number one recommendation is don’t wait until there’s a crisis to make a move. When it’s a crisis you are stuck with what’s available and it may not be what you really want. The senior in crisis won’t get input on which place he/she wants, family will have to make all the decisions. They’re already feeling overwhelmed with all that’s going on with their loved ones and the pressure of making a quick decision to meet hospital discharge expectations is extremely stressful!